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AO3 Wins 2019 Hugo Award for Best Related Work


Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


这么正式的奖颁给同人平台简直就是搞笑啊。transformative work 因为使用版权内容,不是一直在合法的边缘徘徊,写得再好反正也是不能拿出来卖钱的玩意吗?!更别说感觉少说百分之八十的内容都是bl,一半都是小黄文。这。。。评审到底是怎么回事,太不严肃了,难道也都是用户?




Well, the simple answer is that the Hugos are awarded by WSFS members and, just like most other clubs, you have to pay to be a member. Your money goes towards helping finance the awards and the convention that holds them. There is also a view within WSFS that it is a good thing to limit voting to genuine fans, people who really care about science fiction and fantasy. Finally requiring WSFS membership helps prevent ballot stuffing. If voting were free people might go around hassling their friends, or even random strangers, to vote for them, a process known as “freeping.” Because there is a small barrier they are less inclined to do so. In any event, it isn’t a “poll tax” because WSFS isn’t a government; it’s a voluntary organization. You have to join the World Science Fiction Society and pay membership dues to WSFS in order to vote. [1]

  1. WSFS跟普通俱乐部没什么区别,花钱入会,经费支持无营利组织运转
  2. 有门槛,所以只有真正在乎科幻的人才会花钱加入并投票 3. 大限度避免拉票




  1. 用户群体庞大,需求可观现实。
  2. 需求有点灰色又纯属擦边球兴趣,所以没有公司真的当成一回事,去做一个生意出来。actually it’s a real problem for fandoms: not many people want their fandom side of lives to be traced back to their real ones, which severely limits how much the industry can legitimately grow.
  3. 而因此就像上面提到的,纯无盈利运转,没有商业行为没有广告,产品完全顾客导向。


Now that I think about it, it’s a brilliant idea: how about allowing people to put money down for a certain author to write in a specific fandom. I know I’d certainly pay to have some of my favourite authors start writing again. God knows why they stopped years ago, but with that amount of talent, it’s such a shame. And if I could have helped the situation, even just a tiny bit… why not? It’s one way for them to do what they’re great at, and get paid for it. They deserve it. As much as any other kind of artist.

I’ll put that down in my archive of ideas. :p


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