社会黑暗与光明 | Darkness and Light

平台之死 #2

上午在查前两个月在 FreeCodeCamp 上看到的几篇特别喜欢的文章,却发现 FreeCodeCamp 已经不再使用 Medium 了:

Medium has shifted to a paywall model where they mainly recommend paywalled articles, then encourage visitors to pay to get around their paywall.

“As of 2019, Medium won’t give you much ‘distribution’ within their platform unless you’re willing to put your articles behind their paywall,” Larson said. “At the same time, if you do put your article behind their paywall, you’re limiting your readership to just the people who have the resources to pay. This is at odds with the goals of the freeCodeCamp community. We want to make these learning resources as widely available as possible.”

WordPress Tavern

以前 Medium 明明是『高质量内容』『愿者付钱支持』的代表性平台,可是说到头,公司总归是公司,又不是慈善组织,最终目的还是挣钱啊。
