与人的联结 | Connections


这两天在看一本说如何养老的书,叫 who will take care of me when i’m old?


It was devastating to watch the entire scenario unravel. Socially isolated older adults, many of them near poverty, remained terrified behind closed and locked doors and windows, their air conditioners off due to rising utility bills. Their fear of being robbed and of other criminal activitiy kept them from responding to “strangers” who continuously warned them of imminent danger. Refusing to leave their homes for city cooling centers cost the lives of hundres of elders who, instead, died a slow and horrifying death.




前两天看的讲 imposter syndrom 的书里提到说基辛格是什么现场发言被问了问题,就当场打电话给人询问。他说,为懂得请求帮助而感到自豪,说『聪明人懂得如何依赖那些比自己懂得多的人』。

“I make progress by having people around who are smarter than I am—and listening to them. And I assume that everyone is smarter about something than I am.”


书里给这种求助不能的症状起名叫『the rugged individualist』,说想要追求独立并不是什么原罪,但是追求归追求,不必把自己逼到极端,非事事独立不可。

Be wary of competence extremism. As the Rugged Individualist, you can take pride in the knowledge that you can go it alone if you have to. Just stop thinking you must.



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