生活感想 | Life







想到以前看的growth mindset和fixed mindset的书,因为fixed mindset相信自己是聪明的,所以会不惜一切代价避免可能让自己显得不聪明的情境。比如书里举的一个例子,说某个老爸跟小孩下棋发现小孩有天分,就总夸小孩真有天分,然后小孩就一直拒绝跟真的很厉害的人下棋,这样就可以一直活在『我很厉害』的泡泡里。自尊心是保全了,但是某种程度上孩子心底应该也知道这样的『天分』很虚吧。


本来我今天琢磨着,这是不是我从小聪明大的遗症,然后突然想到前天看到一篇写给准备google面试的文章,get that job at google,提到说:

You: But what if I get a mistrial? I might be smart and qualified, but for some random reason I may do poorly in the interviews and not get an offer! That would be a huge blow to my ego! I would rather pass up the opportunity altogether than have a chance of failure!

Me: Yeah, that’s at least partly true. Heck, I kinda didn’t make it in on my first attempt, but I begged like a street dog until they gave me a second round of interviews. I caught them in a weak moment. And the second time around, I prepared, and did much better.

The thing is, Google has a well-known false negative rate, which means we sometimes turn away qualified people, because that’s considered better than sometimes hiring unqualified people. This is actually an industry-wide thing, but the dial gets turned differently at different companies. At Google the false-negative rate is pretty high. I don’t know what it is, but I do know a lot of smart, qualified people who’ve not made it through our interviews. It’s a bummer.

But the really important takeaway is this: if you don’t get an offer, you may still be qualified to work here. So it needn’t be a blow to your ego at all!

As far as anyone I know can tell, false negatives are completely random, and are unrelated to your skills or qualifications. They can happen from a variety of factors, including but not limited to:

– you’re having an off day
– one or more of your interviewers is having an off day
– there were communication issues invisible to you and/or one or more of the interviewers
– you got unlucky and got an Interview Anti-Loop



按照经典的对比:心态应该是『it was such a stupid thing to do』,而不是『i was so stupid』。经典对比是,guilt 是对事,shame 是对人。


I will judge myself on 3 things:

– courage to learn from results
– proof of intelligent effort
– concentration


I will judge myself on the courage to have fun.




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