生活:用我的各种旅途与努力,去考验一下自己尽力可以走多远,不是为了达成某一个可超越的目标,而是为了锻炼自己的坚韧,达成一种『at peace with the uncomfortable』的状态。努力做到最好,不为赢得陌生人的仰慕,而为表达对我在乎的人、对世界与生活的爱。
3. 理想的状态:好奇的,坚韧的。
很喜欢josh在《the art of learning》里的这一段:
My whole life I have worked on this issue. Mental resilience is arguable the most critical trait of a world-class performer, and it should be nurtured continuously. Left to my own devices, I am always looking for ways to become more and more psychologically impregnable. When uncomfortable, my instinct is not to avoid the discomfort, but to become at peace with it. When injured, which happens frequently in the life of a martial artists, I try to avoid painkillers and to change the sensation of pain into a feeling that is not necessarily negative. My instinct his always to seek out challenges as opposed to avoiding them.
还有他俩对于很多时候大众所持『genius is born, not created』态度的匪夷所思。因为,普通人只看到天才在聚光灯下最闪耀的一刻,只觉得距离好远,不是我这种凡人可以企及的,但不是我的错,人家一定是天生英才,所以『had it easy』;而反倒是同样创造美的人才能明白,要达到这一步需要从始至今多少个小时的练习,而这些『天才』仅仅要维持现有水准、甚至在现有水平上想要提高一点点要付出多少努力。