昨天爬山一天累得够呛,今天早上起来觉得啥都不想做,只想就这么葛优躺一天。后来想想躺着也没什么想做的事情,干无聊,于是翻看以前看过的一本特别喜欢的书,罗素的 the conquest of happiness。
Like others who had a Puritan education, I had the habit of meditating on my sins, follies, and shortcomings. I seemed to myself — no doubt justly — a miserable specimen. Gradually I learned to be indifferent to myself and my deficiencies; I came to center my attention increasingly upon external objects: the state of the world, various branches of knowledge, individuals for whom I felt affection. External interests, it is true, bring each its own possibility of pain: the world may be plunged in war, knowledge in some direction may be hard to achieve, friends may die. But pains of these kinds do not destroy the essential quality of life, as do those that spring from disgust with self.